⚠️Important message:⚠️

Pending changes to the data FAIRifier tooling (due to the Open Clinica/Libre Clinica change) the SOP is at this moment not up to date. We apologise for the inconvenience and will update as soon as possible.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for setting up the FAIR data stations

The goal of this document is to provide the necessary guidance when installing the ProTrait infrastructure via a detailed roadmap. We describe the steps needed prior, during and after the installation of the FAIR data stations in a proton therapy center.


Prior to FAIR data station installation in the clinic

This section contains information of settings/systems that can be set up prior to the arrival of the ProTRAIT MAASTRO installer team. This can generally be done by the IT specialist of the site itself. If you have questions then please ask your MAASTRO contact.

A few legal steps need to be taken before a ProTrait FAIR data can be installed.

Perform a data audit on your clinical system(s)

Installation of the FAIR data station

The FAIR data station needs to be installed on an Ubuntu virtual server with the following requirements:

Installing prerequisites

sudo yum check-update
sudo yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2

sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo

sudo yum install docker
sudo systemctl start docker

sudo systemctl enable docker

Arrange the following prior to the online visit of ProTRAIT MAASTRO installer team

On the installation

During the installation day, the IT person of the clinic with the database knowledge should be present as well as with the data managers who manually enter the Open Clinica data elements. Furthermore, the access to the building, network and server should be guaranteed. Furthermore, the IT person of each institution is responsible for the data warehouse (or similar data storage).

During the on-site visit, we will:

Installation timeline


After installation

The individual centers are (for now) responsible for management and maintenance of the system. The Maastro team will remain available for support where necessary. For support, it is important that you maintain options for remote access for your ProTRAIT MAASTRO installer.

Contact information

Petros Kalendralis: petros.kalendralis@maastro.nl

Matthijs Sloep: matthijs.sloep@maastro.nl

Dr. Rianne Fijten: rianne.fijten@maastro.nl