Welcome to the ProTRAIT website

The first proton therapy treatments took place in the Netherlands towards the end of 2017. Considering heterogeneous protocols and data analysis pipelines, it is of paramount importance to set up the proper infrastructure that can enable a harmonized data collection and analysis platform, including clinical comparisons with photon therapy. ProTRAIT aims to provide such an IT infrastructure based on the FAIR principles. The ProTRAIT infrastructure will make available prospective, standardized, multi-centric data from all Dutch proton and a representative group of photon therapy patients.

Item lists

The data that is collected for the ProTRAIT registry is described in item lists (.xlsx). These can be found in this GitHub repository

Standard Operating Procedure

⚠️The SOP is outdated pending changes to the tooling, an update will follow soon⚠️ Institutes that are interested in joining the ProTRAIT infrastructure should adhere to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of the infrastructure. It can be found here